Card payments will show on your statement as SchEnterprises0160
All payments are taken in GBP - UK £ sterling - As a UK based website we do not trade in € Euros.
If you choose to view the products in a currency other than GBP the price displayed on the site is a guide only, you will be charged at the rate of exchange at the time of completion of payment, this may include a charge by your bank.
Customers are responsible for import duty/tax in their respective countries where applicable. For more details on this please contact your local customs authority.
All orders must be paid for in full before any goods will be shipped. All orders are subject to availability and remain the property of Ali Bongo until paid for in full.
Ali Bongo does not share any information (personal or financial) with any third party.
All credit/debit card details are encrypted using a fully encrypted secure ordering system. Your bank or credit card company may require security checks to validate your purchase. This may well include Visa and MasterCard 3d Secure authentication.
Ali Bongo may on occasion require credit checks for orders of a substantial nature or where insufficient details have been provided. This may result in your order being delayed until the checks can be completed, for this reason is important to supply a correct email and contact number.
All prices seen on the website are final. Any pricing errors will result in you order being suspended until which time we can contact you via the methods provided. In the instance that we cannot contact you, we will render the order cancelled and all payment refunded as per terms and conditions.